Here come the kids…
An exciting season lies ahead for our juniors. We are looking forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 4th May.
There will be new girls only sessions from 6-7 and the main session will be from 6.45-8pm. Girls are welcome to join both sessions.
Thanks to the legacy of Pete Danes, these coaching sessions will be free of charge once you join as a club member.
As always, the focus is on fun and all abilities are welcome from aged 5 upwards. Our aim is always to work towards developing players and then integrating them into our adult teams. Last year, 2 of our juniors made their club debuts which was great to see.
There are lots of opportunities to develop your skills whilst in a fun and safe environment.
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 4th May!
The author is Sarah Walker, Head Coach and Saturday 2nd XI Captain